This is a piece I made recently which fits my mood very well at the moment! I am in love with Bikini kill and their lyrics, catchy melodies and raw guitar sound. They have been a major band to me over the past few years and introduced to me to a whole new world which now feels so me its like I've had Riot grrrl forever!  I wanted to pay tribute to them in a form of art I enjoy which is scanning images I like and printing them off and glueing them on pretty pieces of paper and scribbling all over it :) This image has done amazingly well on Tumblr over night which has made me smile and proud of all the grrrls online being creative and supporting each other! Keep it up! <3
Okay so just one quick comment before I finish is that I have had no proper internet access the past month and a half so I have not been able to do everything online that  have wanted, However i will be back shortly and will be launching the new Dirty grrrl products along with more blog posts and new mixes on 8tracks and way more art! So keep watching this space as it will become alot busier as summer goes on :) xxx


  1. I found it on tumblr and then searched Google and found it was yours. I really like your blog and I kinda adore you and yeah you're great :)


Every Dirty Grrrl matters, let me know what you think below!