I wanted to write about reappropriation and how I believe reclaiming the word slut is a positive movement that has been excuted wonderfully over the last decade by poeple such as Kathleen Hanna.
Slut is used in a negitive context towards females and even males as way to judge someone based on their appearence, actions and sexuality. I believe it is wrong to judge someone based on what they are like as a person and based on their apperance. It is not ok to shame them. Its not ok to rape them. A perfect example of this is when Constable Michael Sanguinetti, a Toronto Police officer, suggested that to remain safe from being raped "women should avoid dressing like sluts". A protest named SLUTWALK began in retaliation to this comment and the many more comments that individual women have had to experience in the past. Women should be able to ware what they want and not have it be and excuse for rape or misogyny. We as human beings have sexual desires that shouldnt be judged. You have every right to express your sexuality! Slut shouldnt be degrading or used againast a stranger. Slut should be somthing you chose to call your self, reclaim it and make it your own! Your sexuality is yours and you should be able to demostrate that in any way you wish, for your own reasons. Thats what the word slut should be about. Not excuse of a word to shame, hate or rape!
Artwork by myself
This is a video made by the wonderful and inspirational Clementine Cannible who reads a piece from her zine licking stars of ceilings about being a slut and why it is important to reclaim the word.
For more stuff by Clementine visit: www.clementinecannibal.com
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